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How to create an engaging portfolio.

Joe Hannam

Updated: Oct 30, 2019

Creating a portfolio isn't as daunting as it seems, social media is a great platform to start with.

In many ways the first time you create a portfolio or a catalog of your work can be scary and intimidating (At least for me it was). I found trying to put a portfolio together just using packages like Adobe InDesign was like staring at a blank canvas with no real direction, this is where social media can step in and help.

“We’re living at a time when attention is the new currency. Those who insert themselves into as many channels as possible look set to capture the most value. ” - Pete Cashmore, Founder of

Instagram, Behance, Facebook, They are all fantastic tools to gauge what is engaging and current, but what does this have to do with a portfolio? It is completely relevant to a portfolio, as the nature of a portfolio is to sell yourself to a company; social media when whittled down to it is individuals selling themselves to other individuals and generating interest. They aren't so different at all.

Gauge what audiences engage with.

The thing which sets these platforms apart from a generic portfolio is that you can see what people are interested in real time, this gives you an edge as things are always changing. This is an opportunity not always afforded to you if using more conventional/classic forms of portfolio. This means that you can see what is popular what is selling and what is up and coming. Another feature of social media is that it can also allow you to look at what your potential clients are doing and what they are "Liking and Sharing".

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